On Saturday afternoon, in order to control the quality of the tourist paths, we set out from the Jalšová village on our three-day tour around Považský Inovec. After two hours, we found ourselves on Ovčia Skala, a place where we planned to spend the first night. But we decided to go even further, so we continued. We reached the meadow, overlooking the village of Svrbince. We placed our tents there and heated ourselves in the fire in the evening.
The next day was the longest and most difficult. On our way, we have seen more ticks, hungry and tricky little creatures, than people. We only met few people, mainly runners or cyclists, we met "traditional tourists" only at Marhate (748 m). The sidewalks to Marhate are relatively well-marked and often cross the bikers' paths, which are mostly wide and solid.
After exhausting thirty kilometers we decided to spend the second and last night under Skalka (377 m). Once again, we found a nice meadow, where we spent a peaceful evening, if we are not taking into consideration the two hunters who came across. The next morning we climbed Skalka, after which we headed downhill to Hlbina, where we had our transfer arranged.
Official end of School Year 2017/2018
On Friday, 29th June 2018 we officially ended School Year 2017/2018. We wish all our students and colleagues pleasant summer holidays.
We look forward to seeing you in September.
A visit from Kepler Gymnasium, Tübingen at BESST in Trnava
The Crystal Challenge
Eco Day - Animals Rights and Cosmetic Industry
This year’s Eco Day was about animal cruelty and cosmetics industry. We studied the legislative of various countries where the testing is still an ongoing issue. We divided cosmetic brands into two categories and offered few vegan alternatives. We made our own peeling, lip balm, toothpaste and mouthwash. We also learnt how to compost unwanted paper packs. Even small changes can have a big impact.
Ms. Nataly
Are you interested in what type of cosmetics do you use?
Are you willing to try Eco-cosmetics?
Do you know that products you are using are tested on animals?
DNA DAY in Aurelium
On 25. April we visited a science center Aurelium in Bratislava. There was an exhibition about DNA. Students of medicine presented many useful topics to our students, such as structure of DNA, dominant and recessive traits, blood groups and antigenes or forensic techniques.
Critical Thinking Week
BESST High schoolers have been busy this week; honing their critical thinking skills by comparing similarities and differences between the English and German Language, mindapping key concepts in physics, puzzling over logical conundrums…
BESST Book Day
Happiness day
Things got pretty happy in high school today as we celebrated International Happiness Day, In global perspectives we looked at the science of happiness and why being optimistic and positive affects your success.
Childhood Memory Day
Critical thinking
What does a bicycle look like? How does a flush toilet work? Based on what criteria do you choose your new car?
Lonely Heart Day
High school got dressed in black for, ‘Lonely Heart Day’ to counteract the sweetness of Valentine’s Day.
Genetic Laboratory
Valentine's Day
14. February. For somebody it is just a regular day, but at BESST student council has prepared for their classmates a spirited day.
White T-shirt
This week in high school we wore white for peace; thinking about the symbolic colour and exploring how it has been used in peaceful protests in a range of cultures throughout history.
Health Day
We decided to spent the last day of this half a year with a presentation of our integrated curriculum and we organised a Health Day.
Pink T-shirt day
Inspire your heart with art Day
High school hearts were truly inspired today when ‘Inspire your heart with art Day’ got us in the creative mood.