Our high school received a visit from The Anglo-American University in Prague who discussed life at university. We learned about the variety of programmers the university has to offer, from business to psychology and law there is plenty of opportunity for everyone to find something they love.
Data privacy week
Hat day
Cut your energy day
‘Cut your energy day’ came to BESST today with students exploring ways that we can save on our energy bills and at the same time make our planet healthier and happier.
Clean your desk day
TEDx with teachers
TEDx arrived at Highschool today with four of our teachers delivering a speech to their students. Mr Rasto did it his way, emphasising the power of positivity, Mr Matej told us how he managed to become a near enough native speaker of English language.
Merry Christmas
Dear students, we wish you a Merry Christmas and we are looking forward to see you on 8th January, 2018.
Open house
On Thursday, 30 November, 2017, curious visitors, taking advantage of the Open House opportunity to see the school inside-out, flocked to BESST High School. Apart from seeing entertaining presentation by our Year 1, 2, and 3 students, visitors had a chance to attend one of the classes taught in English — Math, Biology, and Art and Culture, as well as lessons taught in Slovak — Slovak Language, Chemistry, etc. In addition to the possibility to talk to the principal and the teachers, the visitors had a chance to ask the students how they feel about studying at BESST themselves.
Annual letter writing marathon
High School students explored this issue of human rights today by getting involved with the annual letter writing marathon organized by Amnesty International. All classes wrote letters of support to people who have been incarcerated for standing up for their homes and dignity. The aim of the project is not only to raise awareness of human rights violations but also to put pressure on country leaders to reconsider their actions in relation to the abuse of humans in their country.
University student gives advice to our students
Patrik is studying at UCL, United Kingdom and he came to give advice to our students about studies in the United Kingdom.
Christmas Sweater
At high school we are looking forward to Christmas and thus today we put Christmas sweaters on.
National Listening Day
BESST highschool dropped the pens and IPADS on Thursday with ‘National Listening Day’ encouraging us to focus on verbal communication.
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day came to BESST today, all students and teachers took time to think about the things in their life that they are thankful for and decorated the High school Thanksgiving tree with their positive thoughts.
Special Japanese lesson
On Monday we had an unusual japanese lesson. Takaaki and Nina from Tokyo paid us a visit. We studied new slang instead of grammar.
A Festive Ceremony: The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
On Thursday, 2 November, 2017, Ema S., the first successful graduate of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program from the BESST High School, took part in the festive award ceremony that took place in the historic building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava.
Halloween Night
Haloween by BESST students!
A Mock Election to Regional Parliament @ BESST
Our school has informed and knowledgeable students that take citizen responsibilities seriously and with the right degree of civic togetherness. This is why our students joined the Student Election project this year which took place at the different high schools of the Trnava region. Its aim was to awaken, inform and encourage young people to participate in the regional election. Although the official election will take place on 4 November, 2017, our mock election was scheduled for today — 26 October, 2017, in the premises of our high school.
The students had an opportunity to try out themselves what an election really looks like, they found out what a ballot is and they also elected their district governor.
The election itself went smoothly and was trouble-free; everyone knew what to do when casting their ballot, and so the students truly enjoyed the moment of exercising their civic right.
The results of the student election can be found at www.studentskevolby.sk
Mr. Andrej
Mr. Andrej
Colour Day
BESST high school corridor became a veritable rainbow today with each class choosing their own colour to celebrate, ‘National Colour Day’. In English lessons we explored colour connotations and analysed how colour can be used to create atmosphere. We also looked at how advertisers use it to appeal to their audience.
Ms. Hayley
Get Smart about Credit Day
Maths lessons at BESST got very real today, with students exploring the types of credit available and of course the pitfalls and dangers of getting into debt. They compared types of loans and evaluated the options before purchasing a virtual car.
Ms. Hayley
Preparing for a mock election at our school
On 17 October, at our school we were preparing for the mock election that is being organized in collaboration with the “Pre stredoškolákov” organization.