The tuition fee includes lessons during school time with direct educational activities according to timetable.
The school fee for one school year valid from March 1st, 2024 is:
- 450 € / month paid for 12 months
The school grants a discount for siblings, who are simultaneously attending BESST schools, from the annual tuition fee for the child who has the lower tuition fee:
- for the second child in the amount of 25 %
- for the third and every other child in the amount of 50 %
Payment due:
- 1st period (09-12): due 15.09.
- 2nd period (01-04): due 15.01.
- 3rd period (05-08): due 15.05.
The registration fee of 150 € is unrefundable. Parents are bound to pay this fee to the school bank account at latest 14 days after signing the contract. Registration fee is payed one time, before beginning the studies at whichever school established by BESST, s.r.o. During further studies the registration fee is not required.
The the flat fee for foreign and above standard text books, that pupils receive every year, is 95 € for 1 school year. Parents are bound to pay this fee until 15.9. of particular school year.
The fee includes following:
- books and text books from subjects as per Cambridge Curriculum
- books and text books that exceed the standard range, given by Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic
- iPad allowance - given by the school one per studies duration
- other stationery and materials
Pupils can attend to the following food service:
- morning snack: 0,80 € / day
- afternoon snack: 0,80 € / day
- lunch: 3,30 € / day
- fruit juices: 0,60 € / day
Payments per periods are flat payments. In one month, the pupil is expected to collect 20 meal units.
Meals are reimbursed in three installments over three periods. Parents calculate payments for each period themselves, depending on which type of meals their child collects in the following way:
period (09-12): {20x3,30 (lunch) + 20x0,80 (morning snack) + 20x0,80 (afternoon snack) + 20x0,60 (fruit juice)} x 4 (number of months) = 440 € due by 15.09.
period (01-04): {20x3,30 (lunch) + 20x0,80 (morning snack) + 20x0,80 (afternoon snack) + 20x0,60 (fruit juice)} x 4 (number of months) = 440 € due by 15.01.
period (05-08): {20x3,30 (lunch) + 20x0,80 (morning snack) + 20x0,80 (afternoon snack) + 20x0,60 (fruit juice)} x 2 (number of months) = 220 € due by 15.05.
Meals are reimbursed following the child´s registration.
The school provides transportation for pupils from home to a school in Trnava. The service charge is 50 € per month.
The school bus is reimbursed in three installments over three periods:
School year 2017/2018: 1. period (09 – 12): monthly payment x 4 (months) – payable by 15.10. 2. period (01 – 03): monthly payment x 3 (months) - payable by 15.01. 3. period (04 – 06): monthly payment x 3 (months) - payable by 15.04.
School year 2018/2019: 1. period (09 – 12): monthly payment x 4 (months) – payable by 15.10. 2. period (01 – 04): monthly payment x 4 (months) - payable by 15.01. 3. period (05 – 06): monthly payment x 2 (months) - payable by 15.05. The school bus is reimbursed after the Transportation Agreement Contract signature by the school and the pupil´s parents.
Pupils are obliged to wear uniforms to school consisting of:
- T-shirt G - 17 €
- Hoodie with zipper - blue G - 22 €
- Hoodie flees - blue G - 15 €
- Tie - red G - 10 €
The purchase of uniforms takes place at the school´s reception between 7.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Cash payment or with card.
IGCSE exams – pupils are prepared for them during the second grade. Pupils pass IGCSE exams at the end of the second year.
Fees per candidate:
- Cambridge IGCSE® - 129.18 € per subject
AS, A2 a A Level exams – pupils are prepared for them during the fourth and fifth grade.
Pupils can pass the following examinations in each subject taught in the fourth and fifth grade:
- AS level exam at the end of the fourth grade – it includes a fourth year curriculum, and A2 level exam at the end of the fifth grade – it includes a fifth year curriculum.
Scheme: AS level + A2 level = A level
Fees per candidate:
- Cambridge International AS Level or A2 - 151.68 € per subject
These exams are mandatory.
If the person interested in international exams is not our pupil or is studying at BESST school externally, the price for international exams is increased by 40 % for test administration.
The price list follows from the prices determined in the document called ‘Fees list for European Euro Zone’, which is updated by Cambridge International Education each year. Validation of payments are for period from October 2023 till September 2024.
To identify each payment corretly, it is necessary to insert the pupil´s ID in the variable symbol, the period and year in the specific symbol and the purpose of the payment + pupil´s name in the Subject section, for example:
* Variable symbol: 1111 (pupil´s ID)
* Specific symbol: 012017 (period and year)
* Subject: school fee, Kováč (purpose and surname)
Pupil´s ID is listed in the Education Contract.
List and dates of payments in school year:
Type of payment | Bank account number ČSOB | Bank account number FIO | Due date 1st period | Due date 2nd period | Due date 3rd period |
Tuition | SK 52 7500 0000 0040 1984 3428 | SK10 8330 0000 0022 0272 5092 | 15.09. | 15.01. | 15.05. |
Textbooks | SK 52 7500 0000 0040 1984 3428 | SK10 8330 0000 0022 0272 5092 | 15.09. | ||
School bus | SK 52 7500 0000 0040 1984 3428 | SK10 8330 0000 0022 0272 5092 | 15.10. | 15.01. | 15.05. |
School meals | SK56 7500 0000 0040 1427 5265 | SK41 8330 0000 0023 0273 5220 | 15.09. | 15.01. | 15.05. |