Private bilingual GRAMMAR SCHOOL BESST, Limbová 3, Trnava
for the school year 2025/2026
The admission procedure will take place in accordance with Act no. 245/2008 Coll. on education and training (school law) and on the amendment and supplementation of certain laws and in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the Slovak Republic no. 314/2008 Coll. about secondary schools and about the list of fields of study and learning fields in which verification of special abilities, skills and talents is required.
Field 7902 J 74 high school - bilingual high school
Field code 7902 J 74
Field name
7902 J 74 high school - bilingual studies
Type of studies
Field of studies
Form of studies
Length of studies (in years)
Completion of studies
Maturita Exam
Number of admitted pupils
We plan to accept 40 students for the 2025/26 school year.
Entrance exam date
The entrance exam will take place on March 24th, 2025 and March 31st, 2025
Conditions of admission to study
An applicant who:
a) by February 20th, 2025, he sent an application to the local school (by post, in person, Edupage) or handed the application to the guidance counselor at his school,
b) met the criteria of the admission procedure,
c) successfully completed the eighth year of the elementary school education program and received primary education according to § 16 par. 3 letters a) or has successfully completed the ninth year of the elementary school education program and obtained a lower secondary education according to § 16 par. 3 letters b) and by July 15, 2023, he has submitted proof of successful completion of the eighth or of the ninth year of the educational program of the elementary school, while not submitting a document of completion of the eighth, or of the ninth grade or a significant deterioration in performance (by two classification levels compared to the half-yearly report card, in any subject, or a reduction in the behavior grade) may be grounds for cancellation of enrollment and termination of the education contract.
The form of the entrance exam
The entrance exam will consist of a written test of the Slovak language and literature, a written test of the English language, a written test of mathematics and a written test of general study prerequisites. The duration of the test is 30 minutes.
Content of written tests
Tests in mathematics and the Slovak language will be focused on the elementary school curriculum taken in the 1st semester of the 8th grade at the latest, according to the valid curriculum and the SEP for elementary schools.
English language tests will be from level B1.
Pupils with special educational needs
Based on the recommendation of the center for pedagogical counseling and prevention, students with educational needs may have adjusted time for writing tests. Specific modifications must be requested in writing to the school directorate at least seven working days before the date of the entrance exam.
Scoring tests (max. number of points – 400)
The applicant will be able to obtain
· a maximum of 100 points for the result in the Slovak language and literature test,
· a maximum of 100 points for the result in the English language test,
· a maximum of 100 points for the result in the mathematics test,
· a maximum of 100 points for the result in the test of general study prerequisites.
A necessary condition for successfully passing written tests is obtaining at least 40 points in the Slovak language and literature test and at the same time at least 40 points in the mathematics test. If an applicant scores less than 40 points in either of these two tests, he/she will be considered an unsuccessful applicant for admission and will not be placed on the waiting list of applicants.
Possibility to get more points
In addition to the points from the written tests, each applicant has the opportunity to receive additional points, namely for results in subject Olympiads and similar student knowledge competitions and sports competitions, and for academic performance at the primary school or eight-year high school they attended.
Points for results in student knowledge competitions (max. number of points – 80)
The applicant has the opportunity to obtain a maximum of 80 points for placing in the Olympiad from SJL, from a foreign language (ANJ, NEJ, RUJ, FRJ), DEJ, MAT, FYZ, CHE, BIO, GEG, in the technical Olympiad, Pythagorean and similar student knowledge competitions and for placing in sports competitions.
The student will receive points for the results in the promotion competition in his last full school year and the current school year. If he placed 1st to 3rd in the district, regional, national or international round, he gets points as follows:
for placing in the district round, he gets 20 points,
for placing in the regional round, he will receive 40 points,
for placing in the national or international round, he gets 80 points.
For placing in competitions with a different organizational structure (non-progressive), the commission will award the applicant points in the range of 20 to 80 points depending on the success rate.
Points are counted only for the highest ranking in the last full school year and the current school year.
In order for the student to receive the mentioned points, he must prove his result in the competition with a confirmation of placement. A diploma, an official result list (if a diploma has not been issued) or a confirmation from the competition organizer is considered such confirmation. Documents confirming placement in the competition will be sent by the school the student attends or his legal representative by post, butby email to no later than 20.03.2024. The private bilingual grammar school BESST in Trnava reserves the right to check the authenticity of documents.
If the applicant does not submit any relevant confirmation of his results in student knowledge competitions, he will receive 0 points for this criterion.
Points for study achievement (max. number of points – 100)
The applicant has the opportunity to obtain a maximum of 100 points for the academic performance at the elementary school or at the eight-year gymnasium that he attended. For this purpose, grades from the subjects Slovak language and literature, English language, mathematics, history, geography, chemistry, physics and biology, from the mid-year report card of the current year and the end-year report card from the previous three years, will be included in the academic credit.
Points for academic merit are assigned to the applicant based on the arithmetic average of all the above-mentioned grades for the given period as follows:
for average of grades 1,000 – 1,050 you get 100 points
for average of grades 1,051 – 1,100 you get 90 points
for average of grades 1,101 – 1,150 you get 80 points
for average of grades 1,151 – 1,200 you get 70 points
for average of grades 1,201 – 1,250 you get 60 points
for average of grades 1,251 – 1,300 you get 50 points
for average of grades 1,301 – 1,350 you get 40 points
for average of grades 1,351 – 1,400 you get 30 points
for average of grades 1,401 – 1,450 you get 20 points
for average of grades 1,451 – 1,500 you get 10 points
for average of grades 1,501 and more you get 0 points
If the applicant's application does not include marks from the mentioned subjects, the director of the local school will decide on the method of assigning points for academic achievement to this applicant.
If the student has a verbal evaluation from the given subject or the word "passed" on the application, this evaluation will be replaced by an evaluation from the given subject from the next year or semester in which the student was evaluated with a grade.
Cover letter
The condition of admission is that the student submits a letter of motivation together with the application, where he describes why he wants to study at the BESST Private Bilingual Gymnasium. The maximum number of words is 120.
List of applicants
Applicants who have successfully completed the written tests will be calculated the total number of points, whoré obtained as part of the admission procedure. It will be the sum of the points for the four written tests, for the academic performance at the previous school and for the placement in the competitions. Subsequently, all applicants will be ranked according to their total point gain (from the highest to the lowest).
Admission to study
Those applicants who are placed in the mentioned waiting list within the number of students that the school plans to accept will be admitted to study.
In case of equality of points, students with a higher number of points from written tests will be admitted preferentially.
In the event that applicants are equal even after taking this criterion into account, the admissions committee will decide on the procedure.
Three establishment places are reserved for admission.
Any non-participation in entrance exams for serious reasons (illness - a doctor's note must not be older than 3 days) must be excused no later than on the day of the entrance exam at the school's headquarters. After taking the exams in the alternative term, these results will be included among the results of the students who were not accepted, and the necessary number of the most successful applicants in accordance with the established criteria will be accepted from the order created in this way.
Publication of results
The director of the BESST Private Bilingual Gymnasium will publish the results of the admission procedure within three working days from the date of the entrance exams on the entrance door to the school and on the school's
The criteria for the admission procedure for the school year were discussed by the Pedagogical Council on 21 November 2022.
The criteria for the admission procedure were approved by the School Board on November 24, 2022.
The procedure for accepting applicants for the 1st year is also published on the
Trnava, 25 November 2022
Mgr. Renata Olexová
head teacher
documents to download
Sample tests (in slovak)
English Language Admission Test (sample)
English Language admission test sample key
Exercise tasks from general study prerequisites, mathematics, Slovak: :
requirements for admission exams (in slovak)
Requirements for admission exams English (2022-2023)
Requirements for admission exams Mathematics (2022-2023)
Requirements for admission exams Slovak Language and Literature (2022-2023)
Correct answers - English language
Exercises from general study prerequisites, mathematics, Slovak language:
Mgr. Andrej Kiss
Head Teacher
+421 919 200 923