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Students of the 3rd year participated development volunteer program

In this semester, students of the 3rd year of SBG BESST participated in the half-year development volunteer program "21st century skills" under the leadership of the Youth for Equality organization in cooperation with the Trnava Archdiocese Charity. The meetings were thematically conducted according to the established soft skills development schedule and resulted in the final presentation of the Canva model of the chosen volunteer project. On Monday, December 19, 2022, we met with similarly motivated peers from other secondary schools in Trnava at the YFE premises on Hlavná Street in Trnava and shared our perception of volunteering and the possibilities of helping locally. Our students presented topics aimed at helping seniors, the surrounding nature, as well as younger students from single-parent families. Not only the atmosphere of the approaching Christmas, but also the goodness hidden in each of the projects made our meeting emotional. The subsequent reflection confirmed the importance of the values and development of volunteering as an essential part of the upbringing and education of a modern young person.