With so many choices available these days it pays to know your options. That's why we organised 'Day of Opportunity'. The day aims to give student real insight into potential career options so that they can make informed choices about their futures.

During this day, students attended lectures by experts from several fields, such as anthropology, higher level human resources and nuclear chemistry. Thus they got to learn first hand what it is like to work in a wide range of areas.


Our IIA students tried to find the answers to this question in an Economics and Enterprise class during which they practiced business negotiation techniques. Their task was to negotiate the best possible conditions for their party. They practiced the argumentation, how to react under pressure and realize the consequences of their decisions.

At the end of the negotiations, the two business partners wrote a feedback to each other so that they could continue to progress.


Thanks to bilingual education and fluent speaking of other languages, our students have many opportunities to study abroad.

Speaking about studying possibilities of students after highschool, Mr. Petr Jiskra came to our school and introduced to our graduates his alma mater "Business & Hotel Management School" in Switzerland.

Our students were interested in studying at this international school, especially in the way of teaching in blocks and cooperation with companies that provide students with the possibility of a paid internship after half a year of study.

We believe that everyone's dream of future studies will come true.


Graduates continue to search for their future "alma mater", where they will be able to apply the knowledge that has been passed on to them at our high school.

As part of her university career choice making, Ms. Mag. Jagodinka Petrikic-Zlatkov with university students introduced us to the possibilities of studying at the Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt.

The pupils were most interested in the possibility of studying in a modern international environment with an orientation towards practical experience gained through active cooperation with various companies, support for start-ups and a mandatory internship, which was praised by the university students themselves.

We believe that our graduates will make the right decision and maybe today's visit will only be the start of their future career.

We wish you success.

Applied Economics

In the introductory lesson of the subject Applied Economics, we focused on the creative production of toys so that students are familiarized with the basic economic understanding, such as the calculation of production costs, total revenue, and profit, which is a reward for the entrepreneur.

The task of the students was to create a prototype of a toy based on inputs they received and to obtain as many orders for it as possible.

Congratulations to the winner, a group with the highest achieved profit, Príšerka s.r.o.. We wish them good luck in obtaining further orders.

Business workshop with

Our students of economics and business attended a business workshop with Michalea Satusova, a former student and entrepreneur. They learned about how she has created a successful candle business. She also shared with them some tips and tricks to make sure that business life runs smoothly. Like making sure you have more than one supplier, just in case. As well as finding out about her business, they also took the opportunity to ask her questions about her life at university and the A levels she studied here at BESST. It was really exciting to see first hand how initiative and passion can create something fantastic. We were all inspired and look forward to meeting with her again in the future to learn more about how she is progressing. If you want a beautiful gift for a love one then we suggest that you check out her online store at